December 29, 2010

Two blessings

For the past months, I had been asking God for blessing. Well, He was really good that He gave me not only one but two blessings. However, I could not choose both of them. I had to sacrifice one thing over the other. Moreover, my auntie told me that I should select the first blessing that God gave me because this is what really God wants for me. She even cited examples and gave advises. But I disobeyed her, I selected the second blessing because I thought that this would be the best for me.

As time goes by, I realize that I made the same mistake again and I really felt bad for the second time around. I have been crying for the past nights and I dont want my sister would know what I really feel because I want her to look at me as if I could stand now on my both feet.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for dropping by my blog :)
    You have a way nicer blog than mine though :)
