January 26, 2011

Facebook settings

When I was opening my email, the site turn it to the main server and I read an article. This article mainly talks about how to secure all your information in facebook . This is very cool to all people like me who dont want to be recognize especially that it is considered as one of the leading social network not only in the Philippines but also in the whole world.

January 20, 2011

Vaccination days

Oh…. I am really very sorry because it took me several weeks to write again on my blog

Several weeks ago, I was bitten by a Labrador dog named Nica. This happened when I arrived in Davao and entered my boarding house. I thought this would not happen because we were friends in the past weeks and she waggled her tail when I opened the gate.

At first, my cousins could not see the wound. But I am very sure that it fangs really touched my back right leg. But after two hours, my cousin and I noticed the swell and enlargement of the two wounds.
The day after, I decided to go to the doctor and had an injection of anti-tetanus and rabies vaccine although the dog is clean. The doctor advised me to take amoxicillin three times a day which was good for one week.

As the doctor told me, I had to undergo three types of anti rabies vaccination both on my shoulders. The first one was schedule last January 3, then January 7 and January 11. Well, I completed my “vaccination days” and I was very thankful that NIca is still alive up to now…

January 7, 2011


Yesterday, I made an account at nuffnang because I wanted to have an inspiration in making posts in my blog. I was very happy that my cousin also supported me and asked details about it because she wanted to apply. She also made comments on how to improve my blog.